Aioli Sauce Recipe – Easiest and Simplest Method

Welcome, Today I’ll be sharing the real aioli sauce recipe. That’s right, there’s a very good chance you’ve never had an authentic aioli sauce recipe.

But don’t feel bad, probably 99% of the public hasn’t either and that’s because what you’ve been eating is actually garlic mayonnaise not that there’s anything wrong with that those are delicious too.

If mayonnaise or even an egg was used as the base. It isn’t a real aioli sauce. which is simply the emulsification of garlic and oil.

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Easy Aioli Sauce Recipe Ideas

So, let’s go ahead and get started and make a real aioli sauce. we only need four ingredients. so fresh garlic, of course, some olive oil some salt, and a little bit of lemon and believe it or not that is it.

Some people consider the fifth and most important ingredient the mortar and pestle.

This ancient tool really is the key ?

I have two different kinds one made from olive wood and one made from marble. They both really work exactly the same so it’s just a personal preference. For this, I will be using the wood one.

The first step here is going to be to crush our garlic with a little bit of salt in that mortar. To make that go a little quicker, we’re going to take a knife and give those already peeled cloves a little slicing.

Don’t worry about the size and shape this is all going to get smashed but I do find it very helpful if we break this down a little bit before it goes in there.

By the way, I never ever want you to buy pre-peeled garlic in the store do not be seduced by its convenience so peel your garlic fresh.

Once our garlic is sliced is go ahead and transfer that into the mortar.

Add about 1/2 a teaspoon of kosher salt or some other coarse grain salt.

Basically want to mash this down to a fine paste and besides seasoning our aioli that coarse salt is also helping the grinding process.

Continue to work that over-crushing and smashing motion. until like a fairly smooth paste.

when you see there’s going to be a little bit of texture still left it. But if you don’t grind it at least this fine, you’ll find the oils a little harder so that’s looking good right there.

At this point, is introduced to a teaspoon or so of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Okay no pits please, those aren’t good eats so be careful.

Now squeeze in about a teaspoon, and then we’ll give that a quick mix until it’s combined. And by the way, for whatever reason, you don’t have access to fresh lemon juice. You can definitely substitute with the vinegar of your choice it’s going to serve the same purpose.

Go ahead and stir in your freshly squeezed lemon juice. once that’s been accomplished, you have taken care of three of your four ingredients.

One big tip here, as we start this last step we want to introduce this very slowly. So we’ll just start by spooning in about a teaspoon or so and we won’t add any more until that’s mixed in which is just going to take a few seconds but don’t be in a big hurry.

We will stir and smash that oil into our garlic mixture. until we have something that sort of looks like this, at which point we can go ahead and add another spoon, and basically repeat that process until the oils gone.

So just like if we were making a salad dressing, hollandaise, or mayonnaise. We want to go slow at the beginning until our emulsification forms.

Then maybe you’ll get a little more aggressive as far as the appearance goes don’t worry too much about how it looks at the beginning.

It’s going to resemble sort of an apple sauce when you start. But is more and more that olive oil gets emulsified.

It’s going to really thicken up until eventually, you achieve something that looks pretty close to a mayonnaise.

Classically, this entire process is done right in the mortar but if you are feeling a little cluster phobic and you want to transfer this into a mixing bowl and do this step with a whisk that will also work might even be a little easier.

But I think, the advantage of doing everything in the mortar is that while we’re working that oil in we’re also continuing to crush the garlic.

It’s the pulverization and crushing of those cells in the garlic which gives us that signature taste you really can’t recreate using any other method.

Not to mention, who needs to clean another bowl so we’ll continue stirring and smashing that olive oil into our garlic mixture, it’s definitely getting thicker.

If at any point, it looks like it’s getting a little too thick. You want to just smooth it out a little just dripping a little bit of water or lemon juice.

Either one will work, but be careful with the lemon juice. Because we’re not making a lemon sauce here, So for me the waters a little safer.

But anyway to recap we’ll continue on adding the olive oil and observing and as I mentioned once an emulsification form.

you can add it a little quicker. This really has surprisingly stable and fairly hard to break and by the break. I mean the oil will separate from the garlic mixture, but anyway we’re going to continue on and once all our olive oil has been introduced.

If everything has gone according to plan you should be looking at something very similar to this.

Now, one optional step if you’re crazy. If you wanted this super smooth. You can go ahead and pass this through a fine-mesh strainer.

But, I’ve never done that. I kind of enjoy seeing all those little particles of crushed garlic. But, suit yourself you are the boss of the world’s most famous primitive sauce.

We will do is transfer this in some kind of clear glass dish.

That’s it, is really pure true aioli sauce is done. If you’ve never had this before and you’ve only had the garlic mayonnaise they call aioli sauce, you are in for a pretty big shock.

This has what’s the word flavor. So it is kind of staggering, but wonderfully so, and please don’t judge it just on your finger. It’s meant to be eaten on things.

So if you’re going to adjust your salt or acid go ahead and taste it on a piece of bread or maybe a lettuce leaf will work.

Once you’re happy with it. you’ve convinced yourself you could handle the immense pleasure it’s going to provide you it’s ready to enjoy so many different things.

So, using this to finish any and all meat dishes is highly recommended, or instead, if you’re one of these vegetarians I’ve heard about it does not get much better than a steamed or roasted artichoke topped with copious amounts of real aioli that is a classic for a reason.

That’s it, how to make real aioli sauce like I said there’s nothing wrong with garlic mayonnaise except it’s not this. Will, you actually like this better than that’ how to make real aioli sauce like I said there’s nothing wrong with garlic mayonnaise except it’s not this and will you actually like this better than that.

I have no idea, but there’s only one way to find out so I really do hope you give this aioli sauce a try soon.